Today I got the chance to continue working on my website. I’m pleased with the way that it is turning out. My current dilemma is trying to figure out how to get a contact form to work properly. Although, that is the last thing on my mind to figure out right now.
Good news with my final portfolio review is that the portfolio I ordered should be coming in the mail soon. I can’t wait to put my final portfolio together, it will feel like such an amazing accomplishment.
Some more good news is that the books I ordered finally came in, and I love them. I ordered two packaging books last week and I haven’t been able to put them down. The two books I got (and highly recommend checking out) are: 1,000 Package Designs (mini): A Comprehensive Guide to Packing It In By: Grip and 1,000 Bags, Tags, and Labels: Distinctive Designs for Every Industry By: Kiki Eldridge. (Pictured above.)